3rd Planet Brewing Exotic Car Show
When a business supports a cause, support that business.
When 3rd Planet Brewing asked us if we’d like to participate in their car show the answer was a big Y E S and the event turned out even better than expected.
It was a fun (a bit hot) event that brought several hundred to the show.
The GAL team was able to engage 2 potential volunteers for the Program and 2 additional volunteers for future foundation events!
It was truly an incredible day. We have never seen so many beautiful cars in one place.
The raffle packages were a success and the People's Choice votes for $1 per vote brought fun crowd participation.
The engine rev around noon was a definite crowd pleaser! Heather, Donna and Virginia were able to answer questions about our Foundation and the Program with numerous attendees so the exposure was fantastic!
Third Planet, who hosted the event along with Kevin Fears who organized the cars, both said they would love to partner with us again. So the inside scoop is there just may be another car show in the works for next year some time! Stay tuned.
Thank you 3rd Planet Brewing for supporting the most vulnerable children in Northwest Florida. We appreciate you!
Be sure to check out our social media accounts to see more exotic cars!