Camp for Kids
Our Vision:
Support foster kids by providing the cost of summer camp, an experience that many will never have without your help.
Children and teens placed in foster care often miss out on the experiences of kids growing up in a traditional home setting. These kids deserve to have fun and make new friends while spending time outside of their foster placement. Camp for Kids is more than just sending a kid to summer camp. It’s telling a child you’re just like other kids and someone wants you to have fun!
2025 Camp for Kids ⛺
2025 Camp Registration
We are excited to bring you the latest information on 2025 Camp for Kids! Last year was a huge success and we’re ready to make it bigger and better! This camp form is specifically for children assigned to the Circuit 1 Florida Guardian ad Litem program. If you are interested in camp but your child is not in this program, please visit tristatecamp.org to inquire. If you prefer to download a copy of this form and submit manually, please click HERE, complete form, and email to Donna Franke at donnafrankegal@gmail.com. Registration deadline is June 1, 2025.

What’s it like?
Children will arrive on Sunday and leave on Friday. The main building has a capacity of 118 and also contains a modern kitchen and a flagstone fireplace. There are 6 cabins that sleep 16 people each with showers and restrooms.
Kids will get to experience 2 500 ft zip lines, a swimming pool, softball field, basketball court, sand volleyball court, 9 square in the air, and gaga ball. There are 4 picnic shelters with tables and benches that can be used for activities.
When we asked our kids and caregivers how it went, they told us this!
“They had the best time at camp and actually asked to go back”
“I wanted you to know how the child I submitted enjoyed camp. He called me from the car on the way home, saying thank you, thank you. Camp was such fun, and all sorts of people were there and so welcoming he was so elated and can't wait to go next year. From D, and me, thank you for making this outstanding camp that he will remember for the rest of his life.”
“Addi had so much fun at camp she also got camper of the week! She surprised us all. I am so proud of her. Thank you for remembering her. It made a big difference . She is so happy! Thank you again so very much.”
How much does it cost?
Each child’s camp fee costs $317 and will be covered by donors like YOU!
How can I help?
We’re so glad you asked! You can make a tax deductible donation by clicking our Donate button at the top or bottom of the page and checking “Camp for Kids” to designate your contribution.