CIN Funding Request
It is the Foundation's honor to help meet the needs of children in the Guardian ad Litem Program. To ensure donor dollars are used efficiently and effectively, the Foundation established guidelines for the Children in Need Fund. Funds are intended to meet needs where no other funding sources are timely available, and items or services provided should serve to create normalcy for child(ren).
Funding decisions are based on need and available funding. The Foundation shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin, disability, marital status, sexual orientation or military status in any of its activities.
All funding must be pre-approved and matched with applicable receipts. Complete CIN Guidelines are available at: NWFGALORG
Terms of Funding: All CIN requests must be pre-approved. After approval, Volunteer Advocates may personally purchase approved items or services, provide receipts to the Foundation and receive a check for reimbursement of approved/expended amount OR Volunteer Advocates may request Foundation pre-payment.
When pre-payment is requested, a check, voucher or gift card will be provided to the CAM or Volunteer Advocate with which to make the approved purchases. The check/voucher/gift card must be used for approved items. Funding is not transferable.
Following request approval, receipt of funds and making purchases, receipts must be scanned and emailed to CIN@nwfgal.org.
Receipts must reconcile with amount pre-paid and unused funds must be returned to the Foundation at: NWFGAL Foundation, Attention: Treasurer, 1800 St Mary Avenue, Suite 3, Pensacola, Florida 32501 Purchases should be made, receipts provided, and unused funds returned within 30 days of check being mailed.
Only currently certified GAL Volunteer Advocates and staff members are eligible to submit this form.